August 15, 2023

5 Common Amazon Product Listings Mistake That Affect Your PPC Campaigns – Comprehensive Guide for Amazon Sellers:

Are your PPC ads and Amazon product listings stuck in a rut? Are poor sales and a high ACoS making you anxious?

Then, no worries!

Low sales and high ACoS (advertising cost of sales) are directly related to bad Amazon product listings. While effective Amazon product listings may result in profitable sales, successful PPC campaigns, and more crucially reduced ACoS, which is, every seller’s goal.

Your product listing is the cornerstone of your brand on Amazon. If your listing is optimized, you will have effective ad campaigns, good sales, low ACoS, and good ROAS.

Amazon product listings are influenced by a variety of factors, including:

  • Product titles
  • Product Images
  • Product description
  • Product features in bullet points
  • EBC/ A+content
As a result, they must be done correctly and patiently with the aim of maximizing the listing.

In this article, we will go over all the details that contribute to bad Amazon listings, which affect your sales and Amazon ads campaigns, as well as how to fix your listing.

Amazon Product Listing Errors:

Subpar Product Title:

Too much overstating about your product and misleading the audience through your title can lower your sales. Include only necessary things and points in your product title, like:

  • Brand name
  • Dimensions of your product
  • Product material
  • Your target audience (who can use this product)
  • Last but not least, structure your keywords properly.

Unappealing Images:

When buying online the audience can only picture your product through good photographs and renders. However, you cannot create a trustworthy relationship with your customers if you do not present them with high-quality photographs.

So, give them the best photographs you can, and don’t forget about 3D rendering, which allows you to give your customers a real-life sense of your product even if it isn’t physically present. If you are unfamiliar with 3D rendering, what it is, and what the best 3D rendering services are, then click the below link.

Read More: From Flat to Phenomenal: 3D Transformation’s Impact on Sales.

Inadequate Bullet Points:

Imprecise bullet points may include things like:

  • Too much promotional content.
  • Forcing the audience to only buy your goods—these factors can make your listings inconsequential, and you may also violate Amazon’s product listing regulations and standards in this manner.
When writing product bullet points, be sure to be exact. Follow these guidelines to make your bullet points stand out:

  • Firstly, be detailed. Describe everything about your product.
  • Use proper grammar.
  • Focus on the customer’s benefit.
  • Solve customers’ inquiries and problems in your listing.
  • Highlight your product’s unique features.
  • Tell them what benefits they will get if they buy your product.
  • Use only 5 bullet points.
  • Mention the money-back guarantee to build trust.

Unclear Product Description:

A poor or ambiguous product description can hamper the user experience while losing you a potential customer. An excellent description, on the other hand, can convert strangers into potential consumers and increase your sales. As a result, when creating a product description, keep the following points in mind:

  • It should be exact and unambiguous.
  • Make certain that your product description answers your customer’s query.
  • The description must include all the features and benefits that your product provides.
  • Avoid statement that are unclear or contradictory.
  • Include relevant information only.

Neglecting A+ Content:

Before we move into what makes our A+ content bad, let’s first know what A+ content is. A+ content is a premium feature of Amazon that includes rich text and multimedia images, high-definition videos, and white-labeled comparison charts in Amazon product listings. By adding A+ content, you can make your product listing attractive, appealing, and engaging to attract your audience.

If you are not taking advantage of A+content properly and not using high-quality multimedia and rich text in your Amazon product listing, you are losing the major part of optimized listing.

Therefore, when creating A+ content for your site, ensure that you are following every step and following Amazon guidelines for Amazon product listings.

With a good title, rich content, and high-quality multimedia, you will be more likely to rank quickly, and your product or brand name may also show at the top of Amazon search results.

Role of Product Listing in PPC (Amazon Ads) Success:

Amazon Product listings serve as the foundation for PPC campaigns. It plays a crucial role in ads. You can run effective ad campaigns with optimized listings and competent keyword research. Here are a few tips to help you determine the purpose of listings in Amazon ads:

  • Amazon product listings form the basis of PPC marketing. The information you provide in your listing is utilized to determine the relevancy of your ad to customer searches.
  • A well-optimized campaign boosts the quality score and relevancy of your advertising campaigns. If your amazon ads closely match the listing, Amazon will reward you by displaying them at the top, lowering your advertising costs.
  • The keywords you use in your listing are used for your PPC campaigns. If you employ the right keywords, your amazon ad or product may appear on the top of relevant search results.
  • An optimized Amazon product listing gives you the best user experience and a competitive edge. If you use high-quality images, videos, and accurate information in your listing, your bounce rate will reduce and your conversion rate will increase.
  • PPC ads let you identify which element of your ad is not performing well. You can experiment with your product listing by changing titles, listings, and images to see what works best for you and your ad campaigns.

Effective Keyword Research for Amazon Product Listing and PPC:

A keyword is the most important aspect of your business. It is part of SEO that you use in your blogs, product listing and in your ad campaign as keyword targeting. Keywords are classified into three types: broad, phrase, and exact. These keywords provide information about your target audience’s search query and necessity. With proper keyword research, your product’s chances of appearing on the search engine grow. The following are some pointers for conducting good keyword research:

Utilize Amazon Search Engine Keywords:

Search for a word or phrase that is relevant to your product. By doing so, you will see what others are searching for the same product as yours. Now list down those keywords, find their search volume from any keyword tool, and then use them in your listing.

Use long-tail keywords:

Long-tail keywords are useful since they tell you exactly what your buyers are looking for. They have a lower search traffic than broad and can easily rank on Amazon.

Leverage keyword tools:

there are numerous premium keyword tools available. Helium10, MerchantWords, and so forth. These can identify the best-performing keywords for your product.

Exclude negative keywords:

Determine and eliminate all irrelevant keywords that are impeding the ranking of your Amazon product listing and PPC advertising. Negative keywords can reduce the efficiency of your ad as they include irrelevant keywords that lower the quality of your ppc advertising and hence increase the ACoS.

Analyze your competitor’s listing:

Analyzing your competitor’s listing will give you an idea of what modifications you should make to your listing and PPC. You can also discover valuable and high-performing keywords that you may have overlooked in your listing or for ad keyword targeting.

Final Thoughts:

Amazon product listings and PPC marketing are both important components of your Amazon success. You will need to employ PPC for your product or brand to show up at the top. A well-optimized listing is essential for a successful PPC campaign. These are all directly related, and if one of them is missing, you will lose a significant amount of your revenues. Follow all of the strategies I’ve stated above to make your business stand out. However, if you still require assistance with product listings, please contact us. We shall be delighted to assist you in making your brand a success

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