January 12, 2024

Benefits of Using Enhanced Brand Content on Amazon

Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) is a feature that allows you to customize your product detail pages with rich media, such as images, videos, and text. EBC can help you showcase your brand story, highlight your product features, and differentiate yourself from the competition. It allows you to use HTML templates to create visually appealing and informative pages that showcase your brand and products. EBC is only available to sellers who are enrolled in the Amazon Brand Registry program. The Brand Registry program is a service that helps you protect your brand identity and intellectual property on Amazon. To enroll in the Brand Registry program, you need to have a registered trademark for your brand name.

Steps to Add EBC on Amazon

To create EBC pages on Amazon, you need to follow these steps:

  • Log in to your Seller Central account and go to Inventory > Manage Inventory.
  • Select the product that you want to add EBC to and click Edit.
  • On the Edit Product Info page, go to the Description tab and click Enhanced Brand Content.
  • Choose one of the available templates for your EBC page. You can preview each template before selecting it.
  • Fill in the template with your content. You can upload images, videos, and text according to the template guidelines. You can also use the preview feature to see how your EBC page will look on different devices.
  • Once you're done with your content, click Submit. Your EBC page will be reviewed by Amazon within 7 business days. If approved, it will go live on your product detail page.

Benefits of Using EBC

Using EBC on Amazon can have many benefits for your brand and products, such as:

Increase Customer’s Trust and Loyalty

If you want to stand out from the crowd on Amazon, you need EBC. It is a service that helps you create engaging and professional content for your product pages. With EBC, you can showcase your brand story and product benefits in a way that resonates with your target audience. EBC helps you build a strong brand identity and credibility on Amazon, which can lead to more sales and repeat customers. Customers are more likely to buy from brands that they feel connected to and trust. EBC can help you achieve that.

Improve Conversion Rates and Sales

EBC can help you increase your conversion rates and sales by providing more information and value to your customers. By using images, videos, and text, you can showcase your product benefits, answer customer questions, and overcome objections. Customers are more likely to buy from products that have clear and compelling descriptions.

Enhance Your SEO and Ranking

By adding more relevant keywords and content to your EBC, you can improve your SEO and ranking on Amazon's search engine. This can help you attract more organic traffic and potential customers to your product pages. You can also optimize your EBC content for better readability and clarity

Reduce Returns and Negative Reviews

EBC can help you reduce returns and negative reviews by setting accurate customer expectations and reducing confusion. By using comparison charts, FAQs, and testimonials, you can highlight your product advantages, address customer concerns, and provide social proof. Customers are more likely to be satisfied with products that meet their expectations and needs.

In conclusion, enhanced brand content is a powerful tool that can help you optimize your product listings and increase your sales on Amazon. By using EBC, you can create a better shopping experience for your customers and build a stronger brand identity. If you want to take advantage of EBC, you need to register for Amazon's Brand Registry program and follow the guidelines and best practices for creating effective EBC.

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